Bout15 Fencing Socks - how to choose fencing socks?

How to choose fencing socks?

Usually, fencing socks are the last thing fencers consider to buy among all the fencing gears, but it doesn't mean that they are not important. Let's take a look of the common questions people have when it comes to fencing socks!

Why do I need fencing socks?

Fencing socks are one of the protective gears. They are designed to protect the fencer's shins, which are valid target area in epee.

Fencing socks protect your feet. During fencing, your front foot's heel, and the back foot's sole will wear quickly and sometimes get scraped if not protected. The professional fencing socks have extra padding in the sole and heel area.

Fencing socks can also protect your lower legs and knees. All tournaments require fencers to wear socks that cover up to the knees. Even though you don't have to wear fencing socks during training, it's highly recommended to wear long socks for protection.

Do fencing socks have to be white?

Your fencing socks don't need to be white, even though white is the most common color for fencing socks. When it comes to the rules of fencing socks, the only requirements are that they must be the knee-length and cover the skin up to the fencing knickers lower line. There's no regulation of the fencing socks' color.
As fencers, we all have the moment when we can't tell who is who during the fencing game. A pair of uniquely designed fencing socks can easily solve the problem. At Bout15, we believe fencers deserve more style options of fencing gears. Fencing socks can be an easy way to express yourself in the fencing game. We're also working towards designing more styles for fencing socks, while improving their quality.
Bout15 Fencing Socks - how to choose fencing socks?Bout15 Fencing Socks - how to choose fencing socks?

Can I wear short socks for fencing?

You don't have to wear fencing socks when you are training, even though it's highly recommended to wear them for your protection. For safety reasons, fencing socks may be required by your local fencing clubs.
At competition, fencers must wear fencing socks. This is because they must wear breeches, which requires fencers to wear socks that cover the entire lower leg and end just above the knee. The socks must be able to remain up at all times during competition.

Can I wear soccer socks for fencing?

The short answer is yes - you can wear soccer socks for fencing. Actually, many amateur fencers simply use soccer socks for fencing, and they love it.

What's different between fencing socks and soccer socks?

As you might guess, fencing socks are very similar to soccer socks - they are both thick and designed to protect the players' shin. However, there are still a few differences between them.
Soccer socks are usually made of acrylic, polyester, and nylon. Fencing socks use similar material, but they often have a padded front which provides extra protection of the fencer's sole. Fencers might find the padded front most helpful for their back foot's sole.
Many professional fencing socks also have extra padding on the heels, which is especially useful for your front-foot's heel. 
Bout15 Fencing Socks - how to choose fencing socks?Bout15 Fencing Socks - how to choose fencing socks?Bout15 Fencing Socks - how to choose fencing socks?

How to choose fencing socks?

Choose fencing socks that are over-knee. Professional fencing socks should be  designed over-knee. But if you are using alternative fencing socks, keep this in mind.
Buy fencing socks that have extra padding in the front. This is to make your sole feel more comfortable during fencing and prevent you front injuries.
Get fencing socks that have extra padding for the heels. Your heels also take beating during fencing games. Have extra padding on the heel can comfort your heels and likely help with your performance in the game.
Buy fencing socks with moisture-wicking materials. In an intense fencing game, what we really don't need is a pair of socks that make our feet feel damp all the time. Professional fencing socks are designed to be thick to offer protection, but many of them are made with moisture-wicking materials to promote evaporation by allowing the moisture to travel along the fabric rather than be absorbed. These fencing socks can help your feet stay dry.

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